3 - 6 February 2025

Dubai World Trade Centre

Advantages of Molecular Diagnostics for Respiratory Infections Diseases Testing in POC Setting to Improve Healthcare Outcomes

Wednesday, 5 February | 11:00 - 13:00

 Leadership Forums room I H1.B55


Educational session on challenges, best practices and solutions for respiratory infections diseases testing. The symposium will be focused also on algorithms for respiratory infections diseases testing with respect to patient population, seasonality and benefits of molecular diagnostics for respiratory infections diseases testing in POC setting to improve diagnostic stewardship and healthcare outcomes.
Learning objectives
  1. Importance of molecular diagnostics for respiratory infections diseases testing in POC setting
  2. Understanding and adoption of algorithms for respiratory infections diseases testing with respect to patient population, seasonality
  3. Improving of diagnostic stewardship and healthcare outcomes through molecular diagnostics for respiratory infections diseases testing in POC setting

11:00 - 11:05 | Opening
Presented by Dr Vladimir Sashkov

11:05 - 11:25 | Diagnostic Stewardship and ID NOW Molecular Testing
Presented by Dr Aparna Ahuja

11:25 - 11:45 | Managing Respiratory Tract Infections with molecular testing in POC
Presented by Dr Mohammed Ridha Alsafi

11:45 - 12:05 | Importance of rapid diagnostics of respiratory tract infections in older people
Presented by Professor Dr Amir Ahmed

12:05 - 12:25 | Recommendations on Rapid Diagnostic Point-of-care Molecular Tests for Respiratory Infections in the United Arab Emirates
Presented by Dr Sara Al Dallal

12:25 - 12:55 | Panel discussion
Chaired by Dr Aparna Ahuja

12:55 - 13:00 | Closing
Presented by Dr Vladimr Sashkov




Dr Vladimir Sashkov
Medical and Scientific Affairs Manager
Abbott Rapid Diagnostics

Dr Vladimir is responsible for MENA region and based in UAE. He has PhD in brain chemistry and is author of more than 100 publications and textbooks related to physiology, endocrinology, and pathology. He is certified in Black Belt Six Sigma, held several positions in clinical research field and actively participates conferences and symposiums as a speaker with lectures on rapid molecular diagnostics in point of care testing.


Dr Aparna Ahuja 
Divisional Vice President Medical, Clinical & Scientific Organization
Abbott Rapid Diagnostics

Dr Aparna Ahuja is the Divisional Vice President Medical, Clinical & Scientific Organization ID Rapid Diagnostics. She co-leads the Diversity in Research office, championing inclusion and equity in clinical trial research. Prior to joining Abbott, Dr Ahuja served CMO at T2 Biosystems, Inc., where she served as the Company’s Key Medical spokesperson, provide leadership and strategic direction for all Medical, Clinical, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs activities, engage with Board of Directors and Investors. Her extensive experience also includes the position of Worldwide VP, Medical Affairs at Becton Dickinson, where she led the medical, scientific, clinical strategy aligned to business, clinical development, and customer needs, chaired the Global Clinical Council and was the medical leader on the BDX Global Inclusion Council.

Dr Aparna earned her medical degree from Delhi University, India. Dr Ahuja is auditor with CAP and ISO15189 and an active member of professional organizations such as the CAP, IDSA, ASTDA, ASM, ADLM, EFLM, and is currently the Chair of CLSI Expert Panel. Dr Ahuja is recognized for her commitment to global health initiatives, having been involved in multiple projects in Africa, Asia, and CIS countries to advance health equity globally.

Dr Mohammed Ridha Alsafi
Head of POCT and Tissue Typing Laboratory
King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital

Dr Mohammed Ridha Alsafi has been working in King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital as a Head of POCT and Tissue Typing Laboratory since 2015. He has a long experience in implementation and monitoring POCT system, participated in many national and international POCT events as a speaker and trainer. Dr Mohammed joined the Collage of American Pathologist as an inspector in 2021 and supports many hospitals and health institutions in implementation of POCT system. 

Professor Dr Amir Ahmed
Geriatric Consultant
American Hospital

Professor Dr Ahmed is a Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Pharmacologist with 19 years of experience with geriatric population. He has authored several research papers in international journals including the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Neurology, and Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Professor Dr Ahmed is a frequent national and international guest speaker at various universities, training centres and conferences. 

Dr Sara Al Dallal
Emirates Health Economics Society

Dr Sara Al Dallal is the President of the Emirates Medical Association’s Emirates Health Economics Society and a Senior Health Service Specialist in Dubai Health Authority. Dr Sara is a Medical Doctor graduated from the UAE University College of Medicine and Health Sciences. She completed her internal medicine residency in Dubai Health Authority and holds a masters in Health Care Management from Royal Colleges of Surgeons Ireland and masters in Health Economics and Policy from London School of Economics.