SYNTAX system  

Powered by Enzymatic DNA Synthesis (EDS) Technology, the SYNTAX System is a DNA printer that enables on-demand synthesis of custom DNA oligos in a benchtop solution. Designed for speed, convenience, flexibility, and ease of use, SYNTAX enables you to create custom oligos in your own lab without the need for specialized infrastructure or technical skills. The SYNTAX System ensures higher productivity, more predictable project schedules, and fewer hidden costs to accelerate the pace of innovation and fuel discoveries:

  • Synthesizes labelled and unlabelled oligos
  • Fully automated, walk-away synthesis
  • Plug-and-play integration
  • Parallel synthesis in 96-well plates
  • Flexibility for up to 96 oligos per run
  • 15-min set-up time per run
  • Same-day synthesis of 15-30nt oligos enables two runs in 24 hours
  • Synthesizes oligos overnight for next-day use
  • Synthesizes up to 80nt in Length of yield 600 pmol per oligo
  • Automatically desalts, quantifies, and normalizes oligos, to the desired concentration
  • Oligos ready for downstream analysis