Thursday 9 February 2023
Johannesburg Room (Dubai World Trade Centre)
MC: Dr Abdulrahman M Aboud
11:00 - 12:30 The Pitches
1. LivSys: Develops and manufactures in-vitro
diagnostic products to provide quality and cost economically instruments that enable
affordable health care to all segments of people. Dilip Ramesh, Director, LivSys Device India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India
2. AstraGene: The first biotech diagnostics manufacturing company in the UAE. Dr Palat Menon, Founder and CEO, AstraGene FZ LLC, Dubai, UAE
3. Zcare: A 3D medical solution company that uses 3D printing and augmented reality to help surgeon perform their surgery in assistance. Haythem Zouaoui, CEO, Zcare, Tunis, Tunisia
4. Mage Health: A secure platform for managing and sharing medical records putting
patients in control. Michael Tendo, CEO, Mage Health, Dubai, UAE
5. Detectionme: The first AI-enabled liquid biopsy multi-cancer detection test in the middle east. Arman Vali, CEO, Detectiome, Dubai, UAE
6. Gene&GreenTK: a young biotech company dedicated in developing robust enzymes
addressing major public health and environmental issues. Dr David Daudé, Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Gene&GreenTK, Marseille, France
7. Intelligenix Advanced Diagnostics LTD: A biotech company that is developing precision medicine-based
diagnosics and targeted therapeutics in oncology. Dr Carlton Donald, Co-Founder, Intelligenix Advanced Diagnostics LTD, Atlanta, USA
8. Alveo Technologies: Alveo has re-envisioned the capabilities of molecular diagnostics is on a mission to enable earlier detection of pathogens at the point of need. Erik Tyrrell-Knott, Chief Business and Ali CoopersmithStrategy Officer, Alveo Technologies, Alveo Technologies, California, USA